
Word of Twisted Pears and Dancing Trees… Coincidence?


AVAAZ (A Voice) – Climate Action February 8, 2007

Filed under: Activision,Climate,Mixed bag,Politics — chilsta @ 1:48 pm

Climate change is happening and we need to take urgent action now.The leaders of the world’s most polluting countries will be meeting in Germany this June. The priorities for this summit are being decided right now.

I don’t know about you, but it seems that all I hear is talk about how bad the situation is and how we have to act now or things will get a whole lot worse and harder to deal with, yet that’s all that happens- just talk. We’ve all got to start to make huge changes to our wasteful lifestyles and the only way that’s going to happen is by making those changes law, worldwide.

Sign the Avaaz petition to help get the message across to those who are supposed to be doing the right thing: