
Word of Twisted Pears and Dancing Trees… Coincidence?


John B Consulting November 17, 2006

Filed under: Joomla!,Mixed bag,Web Design — chilsta @ 5:28 pm

This website went live today after a month or so in development- it’s based on Joomla! and uses the Community Builder extension so that extra information can be gathered from users who register.

Registration is necessary in order to gain access to example documents and a Powerpoint presentation.

The website is for John Bishop, who provides social care “Needs, costs & quality” consultation for local authorities around Southern, Scotland. View it here: John B Consulting

A rough design and layout was provided by the client which a tableless XHTML & CSS based template was created for which complies with the W3C’s standards:

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid CSS!


MAMBOTEAM – Best free Mambo Templates – Mambo Template Design – Home December 7, 2005

Filed under: Joomla! — chilsta @ 1:00 pm

Good set of Joomla templates from MAMBOTEAM.


Last Mambo in Paris? August 22, 2005

Filed under: Joomla! — chilsta @ 10:43 pm

Netshine recently reported on The Death of Mambo.

This is sad news. Why do people have to be so greedy?

Mambo was a great product that was built on using the principles of the Open Source community. Those principles have been forgotten by its original creator in a way that can only suggest that he has become the victim of greed. May the original fork or Mambo wither and die in a vacuum of corporate greed and selfishness, while the core programmers take their new product on to soaring heights.

(Looks like I’ll be changing the name of this section as soon as a new name has been settled on!)

Edit (24/10/05): Mambo now has a new name: Joomla, and so does this section of F-O-B!


EasyPHP May 25, 2005

Filed under: Joomla! — chilsta @ 5:42 pm

Firstly I tried using the MamboSAS (Stand Alone Server) from Mambo Solutions. But that just didn’t want to behave itself. So I went off on a hunt to find an alternative. There are many WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) solutions around, but they were all far too heavy for what I needed.

EasyPHP was about perfect- super easy installation and it just ran without any setup.

This part from the FAQ on changing the default web server root folder helped me with endless folder navigations:

How can I change the “www” directory’s location ?
You need to change the configuration fle of Apache (httpd.conf). Just update the path for DocumentRoot. For example:
DocumentRoot “C:/MyWebSite” (Line 82)
(Line 91)
(line numbers may vary)

As a bonus you get to practice your French along the way ;)