
Word of Twisted Pears and Dancing Trees… Coincidence?


Clever old gMail July 27, 2005

Filed under: Mixed bag — chilsta @ 8:48 pm

Found this post on Smartertools

Gmail has a great feature I’ve found extremely useful lately. I never even thought to try it until recently, and now I can’t live without it.

It would be great to get this type of support in my SmarterMail installation, for the dozens of domains I have that leak out email addresses.

The feature is Gmail allows you to add an alias simply by adding a plus “+” after your username. No changes, nada. Gmail will deliver the email normally to the Inbox. But having the “+” allows for easy filtering.

So I signup, say at, and when I need to enter my email address I think of “Ok, let’s make up a new alias for them. Let’s type eric+fordparts@gmailcom here.” I do not need to go into Gmail to make any changes.

For example, I have some of the following aliases at gmail:


And so on. Now if an email leaks out and I get a spam email, I can view what email address it was sent to and know who leaked it out.

I’ve recently started receiving spam, and they are all sent to eric+games@gmailcom!!! That’s a perfect example of how I was able to trace back who sold my information.


Nikon 4500 (Coolpix) has a hidden secret July 22, 2005

Filed under: Mixed bag — chilsta @ 5:05 pm

When the majority of digital cameras save their images to your memory card as a JPEG file, they have already carried out all manner of adjustments to optimise the image quality. These include sharpening, white-balance, contrast and others.
This is great for the majority of users and the majority of images, but for photographers that want to do their own processing to their images, either for special effects, or to optimise the image it is best to have the raw data from the digital camera’s sensor chip. That way none of the automatic adjustments will lose any of the original information that the camera has recorded. This is equivalent to the way that a skilled photo printer works in the dark room, using techniques during the developing of the negatives, and later when printing the images under the enlarger.

RAW file is a type *without* white balance, interpolation, sharping and anti-aliasing, and exposure compensation. If you choose to shoot RAW, generally this means you want to do post-processing on it instead of let camera to all the things.

Why you can do better than camera? because the CPU of your computer is much faster than the camera, and with the software on your computer you can have more fexibility to processing your image just like negative film.

What is more, RAW file has 12-bit color depth so the dynamic range is 16 times more than the 8-bit jpeg file. you can pull details from RAW file, which in 8-bit jpeg will be “white out overexposed” or “black out underexposed”, this kind of EV compensation is the most important reason to choose RAW
Shizhu Pan on dp Review



Free Mumia

Filed under: Music — chilsta @ 5:05 pm

Back in ’97 when I was living in Houston, I picked up a record on KRS1’s private label called “Free Mumia” which was a huge record over there. I never knew what the title was about until today when I was listening to Immortal Technique‘s track “The War Vs Us All by Mumia Abu Jamal” (click here for an exerpt):from his Bin Laden remix 12″.

Here’s Mumia’s speech that’s sampled on the record (from here):

Submitted and Transcribed by Noelle Hanrahan

The War Vs. Us All- Speech and Radio essay for March 19th Mass Anti War

This war in Iraq isn’t the end; it’s the beginning of wars to come all
around the world at the whim of the neo-cons in the White House. This is
the Bush Doctrine come to life: war, war, and more war. War brought to
you by the big corporate masters who run the show. This isn’t just a war
against Iraqis or Afghanis or even Arabs or Muslims. It is ultimately a
war on us all. That’s because the billions and billions of dollars that
are being spent on this war—the cost of tanks, rocketry, bullets, and
yes, even salaries for the 125,000 plus troops—is money that will never
be spent on education, on health care, on the reconstruction of
crumbling public housing, or to train and place the millions of workers
who have lost manufacturing jobs in the past three years alone. The war
in Iraq is, in reality, a war against the nation’s workers and the poor
who are getting less and less while the big defense industries are
making a killing—literally. What’s next? Iran? Syria? North Korea?
Venezuela? We’ve already seen the corporate media play megaphone to the
White House to build and promote a war based on lies. It’s been a long
time ago, but that great Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, said, “War
is utilized by the imperialists, first and foremost, to crush internal
enemies.” We’re seeing the truth of his insight when we see the sad
state of American education, the rush of seniors to buy affordable
medication from the Canadians because American drugs are just too
expensive, the threatened privatization of Social Security, and the wave
of repression that comes with an increasingly militarized police. Does
the Homeland Security Department make you feel any safer? In Black
America things get grimmer every day as resources that are already
scarce begin to shrink even further. Young people feel that prisons are
rite-of-passage, an inevitable place to visit. And a decent job seems
like a distant dream. This is a war on all of us, and the struggle
against war is really a struggle for a better life for the millions of
folks who are in need here in this country. The fight against the war is
really to fight for your own interests, not the false interests of the
defense industries, or the corporate media, or the White House. Down
with the wars for empire! Ona Move!

Having heard that, I had to find out more and after some searching found

You can read the shockingly terrible history of Mumia’s plight on

Listen to his speeches from death row on Prison Radio.

How can something as corrupt and as high profile as this go on unchecked for 27 years?


Nikon 4500 guide July 20, 2005

Filed under: Gadgets — chilsta @ 8:59 pm

Not had a chance to go through it all properly yet, but this looks like it’s got some good extra info on top of what the manual covers.

4500 Digital Camera guide.

(Also has manuals for Nikon 950, Nikon 990, Nikon 995, Nikon 2500, Nikon 5700 and the Panasonic DMC-FZ 10)


Nikon 4500 (Coolpix) dead pixel fix

Filed under: Mixed bag — chilsta @ 8:37 pm

The output from my Nikon 4500 has always been noisy on long exposures, even with its NR (Noise reduction) mode enabled.

Thanfully, there’s a program that measures the output from each pixel of the camera’s sensor and adjusts the output of them all until they are all within acceptable limits (which, from the reports I’ve read, means that it’s pretty much perfect).

What you need is the CCD Defect program which is a great hack to bring the true quality opf your camera back.

The author is Russian, and the instructions a little hard to understand, but it works. I’ll report back when I’ve tried it on my 4500.


Tech Japan

Filed under: Gadgets — chilsta @ 1:19 pm

Read about the latest and greatest in Japanese gadgets and the like…



Popup Blocker Spam July 18, 2005

Filed under: Mixed bag — chilsta @ 1:08 pm

Here’s an attempt to beat them pesky spammers. By lots of people linking pages like this about pop-up blockers and linking them together, there’s a chance that the pages will help inform people about the junk that they might have bought and help them save some money and ultimately make things so much like hard work for the spammers that they look elsewhere to make a quick buck.

From time to time I get comment spam that makes me think “Do these people actually think before they spam or are they all ?”

So my blog can be used as one of the methods of increasing the page rank/sales of a certain Pop Up Blocker called Pop Up Blocker. Blocking popups cannot be simple business and I do not sell Popup Blockers from this site but I guess I could. I wonder if this post will rate high on a search for Pop Up Blockers for Internet Explorer or for Popup Blockers for Internet Explorer. How about Pop-Up blocker for Internet Explorer? Do we list Popup Blocker for Mozilla or Pop Up Blocker for Firefox? Block all your Pop Ups by getting the software from Pop Up Blocker

If you are getting here through a search on Popup Blockers or for Pop-Up Blocker or Pop Up Blocker Internet Explorer, please do not buy from pop-upblocker dot org They are spammers and unethical. ADB Popup Blocker and ANB Pop Up Blocker are from the same company and you should not buy their product. Any SEO people want to help me get this post up on top on the SEs?

I feel better now. :)


Ultimate Keyboard

Filed under: Gadgets — chilsta @ 12:48 pm

If you don’t need portablilty, this has got to be the keyboard to own. Sounds like it’s not going to be cheap, but hopefully the price will be down and there’ll be some competition in a year or so.

The Optimes Keyboard
The Optimus Keyboard


Scarey Reading:- some views we all need to check out. July 14, 2005

Filed under: Mixed bag — chilsta @ 12:14 am

First saw Alex Jones in the great film Waking Life. Then saw him in the Channel 4 documentary on Richard Linklater, the director of Waking life). Alex is an angry man, an angry man with a good heart who gets angrier by the second. He says a lot of things that (once you get over the aggression) can stop you in your tracks and get you thinking. A friend from Texas sent me a link to his site, with some views that aren’t being widely reported here in the UK (sarcasm).

I am making an appeal to Britons who are understandably wracked with grief at the moment – don’t buy into the hatred the way we Americans did. Don’t ignore the obvious evidence that this whole affair was orchestrated by your own government. Most importantly, don’t let the deaths of the few, however tragic, plunge your nation into another fit of war and civic clampdowns.

There’s just too much here, too soon to be ignored.



Make: July 8, 2005

Filed under: Mixed bag — chilsta @ 8:16 pm

Excellent collection of mad inventions, discoveries and the like.