
Word of Twisted Pears and Dancing Trees… Coincidence?


Mr Scruff uses Ian Dury September 30, 2004

Filed under: Music — chilsta @ 12:42 am

This is a sample I spotted years ago when my brother was playing it at my Mum & Dad’s house. It just snuck out at the end of the track, and took me by suprise… I like it when that happens.



PHP Magic quotes on for specific Dirs September 23, 2004

Filed under: Web Design — chilsta @ 1:34 am

If you need to specify that a certain dir is to have gpc_magic_quotes On or Off you need to add this to the end of Apache’s httpd.conf file (On a Raq 4 it’s located in /etc/httpd/conf):

<Directory /home/sites/path/to/dir/>
         AllowOverride ALL

Then you need to put an .htaccess file in the uppermost dir that you need to apply it to (this works recursively) like this:

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc On

P.S. You can quickly see the absolute path to the directory by scanning down the httpd.conf file till you find the site you need.